1. Not all content of this blog is true.
2. Not all content of this blog is untrue.
3. Not all content of this blog is about you.
4. All content of this blog is about me.
Questions? Concerns? Please forward to the blog mistress.
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I know you can only see me as a vision.
1. Not all content of this blog is true.
Yes, of course it is.
A washing machine won't follow you around after you drop a load in.
Okay, so I'm having a big party. I sent out the Evite to all my friends, thinking that some wouldn't be able to make it. Uh -- looks like just about everybody is coming, and some are bringing a guest, as well, which is excellent. I'm so excited. I'm planning something special for my favorite people who are so great to me.
1. I got rear-ended on the road this morning. My first reaction was to go into immediate denial, with my head in my hands. But the other driver had the exact same car as me, so we were matched in weight and bumper height. We couldn't find any visible damage, so we exchanged information and went on our ways. The other driver called me later to make sure I was okay and apologize. She had been on her way to a doctor's appointment -- an appointment having to do with whether she has cancer. She won't get the results for a couple of weeks. I was glad that I hadn't gone off on her unnecessarily. She didn't need the added stress. (Who does?)
An indentation marks the ring finger of my left hand. No surprise, that finger wore the wide gold ring for over 14 years. Now I can see a quite prominent scar, a raised diagonal line, that was hidden. It's been there far longer, and will remain after the indentation goes. I was two and on a road trip with my grandparents. Pop Pop would be dead a year later. I cried the whole trip. Pictures of me crying, wearing Pop Pop's white T-shirt, are brought out when I visit Gan. We were in a car accident. Glass went into my eyes. Only my hands were scarred. Left ring finger. Right index. Right middle.
Several people sent me this article today:
Truth in advertising -- I can't actually remember any previous MLK weekends, specifically, but future ones will have to work hard to live up to this one. Actually, this whole week has been amazing, starting with painting the town pink with the Pinkies, where the drama never ends. Friday out, I made a new friend with a verrrrry interesting proposition for me. Saturday, spent the day in Cincy with one of my best friends that I don't get to see nearly enough. Coincidentally, a few of my other friends were up there for the day, as well, so we all got together for awhile, and it was a great worlds colliding moment. Sunday, got to cook for and then go to a fun party in honor of Jack Bauer -- he's back and a more tortured BAD ASS than ever (and no Audrey, hurray!). Then out with a friend to our new favorite hangout to help them through a minor crisis. Had today off work and ran around with some folks all day and then dance class, which I adore.
Something has finally sunk in with me. Now that we're separated and divorcing, my friends -- and more to the point, my husband's and my mutual friends -- are sticking with me. And they're sticking tight. I had convinced myself that that would not be the case, that I would lose all or at least most of my friends because they would choose him over me. Even that he (the good one) deserved to take all of them away from me (the bad one), and I should start over with absolutely nothing. They all know everything that's happened with and to me, and what's going on now. And they're right with me, every day. (By the way, I'm not saying my husband isn't a good person. He certainly is.)
I went to salsa dancing class tonight -- so fun! I thought I'd forgotten everything from a few months ago, but it's coming back quickly. Got the endorphins and sweat flowing in a flash. All that touching, just an arm's length away, then a little closer, then away again, eye contact, and knowing that salsa is all about sex and romance and showing off the woman's movements and swinging hair and hips. There's one move we called The Hairbrush in class (probably should be called Foreplay) where the guy runs his hand over my hair and down my back, and my hand follows his down my own hair, then we grab each other and pull in close, face to face. Uh. Wow. I must say, there's nothing sexier than a guy who can, and will, dance. (More men should understand this, for crying out loud, and I'm making it part of my mission in life to educate them.) And that latin hip swivel action -- oh my my. Highly recommended!
After one trip to Radio Shack, I forget how many calls to my ISP, router manufacturer and Tivo, and way too many hours of frustration (with a break to go dancing and blow off all that steam) -- Tivo and I are back together. I don't know about forever, but I made a two-year commitment (subject to cancellation, of course). It was way more trouble than I thought it'd be, but I wasn't going to give up and I did it all myself (well, me and the tech support guys). I even learned a little more about networking (getting geekier every day, y'all).
Working at home...ahhh. It's so quiet. I can make my own good coffee. I can scratch my dog's belly and mess up his hair or give him a mohawk to make myself laugh. I can sit in all the weird positions that are comfortable to me (I hate sitting in office chairs, and I'm always sitting on my feet or crossing my legs up onto the chair or something to try to make it better). Sideways in the big chair with my legs hanging over the side. On the floor with legs crossed indian-style. Butt on one chair, feet on the other. Lying on the bed on my stomach. Laptop on thighs, or knees or even balanced on my feet. I can work naked. I'm naked right now. I am! Okay, now I'm getting cold. Does the office have one of these nice, soft toasty blankets for when you're cold and naked? No, it doesn't. I think you see my point. Okay, must work now.
Thank you, that was sweet.
Off to the divorce lawyer we go. I guess the fun has been going on for quite awhile, but now we get to pay hard-earned money to have this mess made legal and binding. Isn't that special? Soon it'll be behind me instead of ahead of me and I'll have a bit less baggage so I can travel light. As I've been told more than once, the world is my oyster now, so off I go.
Mom's surgery is finally a go for today. She sat the doctors, etc. down and made them go over her medication and other concerns with her, and seems satisfied that they probably won't kill her. Unfortunately, she's on the other side of the Pacific, so I'm not so sure, but she's no dummy (the doctors may be, though). It's just the beginning of another fairly long ordeal -- many more tests and procedures are to come. Any good thoughts and well wishes are more than welcome.