Devil with the Green Eyes

I know you can only see me as a vision.

Monday, January 15, 2007


Truth in advertising -- I can't actually remember any previous MLK weekends, specifically, but future ones will have to work hard to live up to this one. Actually, this whole week has been amazing, starting with painting the town pink with the Pinkies, where the drama never ends. Friday out, I made a new friend with a verrrrry interesting proposition for me. Saturday, spent the day in Cincy with one of my best friends that I don't get to see nearly enough. Coincidentally, a few of my other friends were up there for the day, as well, so we all got together for awhile, and it was a great worlds colliding moment. Sunday, got to cook for and then go to a fun party in honor of Jack Bauer -- he's back and a more tortured BAD ASS than ever (and no Audrey, hurray!). Then out with a friend to our new favorite hangout to help them through a minor crisis. Had today off work and ran around with some folks all day and then dance class, which I adore.

Plus, I slept like a (good) baby... ahh ... and got a new camera to play with.

Can I keep up this pace? Not likely. Am I worried about it? Nah. It's fun to act like a kid sometimes.

Okay, all my attention must get back to Jack...


At 5:08 AM, Blogger Don said...

Yes, it's manadatory that every member of our generation act like a kid every once in a while, preferably a few times a day. I still wonder when the hell I'm going to get my official "Adults Only" ID card and membership kit... I mean, hell, I've paid the dues...

;-) Glad you had a good (long) weekend - to many, many more.


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