Trend watching
Several people sent me this article today:
51 Percent of Women Are Now Living Without a Spouse
One woman quoted in this article comments that we still live in a "marriage culture," but this trend of more adult women living without a spouse shows that that culture is waning. So younger women are waiting longer to marry, or deciding not to marry at all (no personal experience there). And older women who have been married are choosing to remain single after divorce, widowhood, etc. I can see that. I love the statement that one divorced woman makes: Every day is like a present. Not to say that marriage can't be a wonderful experience, but more sisters learning that they can, in fact, do "it," whatever they want "it" to be, for themselves, can only benefit the rest of us. More for my mother's generation than for mine, but it does still apply -- I think men generally get more out of marriage than women do, when you factor in everything, including health, career, social benefits, etc. Must be why they are more likely to rush back into marriage after divorcing instead of taking time to learn more deeply about themselves, like it sounds like these women are doing.
I know I'm already having a ball doing the same.
Anyhoo, thanks for the article, guys.
I suppose it's true, what doesn't kill you makes you strong. You seem to be getting stronger by the minute (although I realize I've joined you late in your story).
I'm sure there is no universal "right way" to live one's life. I hope you find what's best for you. The world could use a lot more happy green-eyed devils!
You're welcome. Anytime. You are just more living proof that you needn't have a spouse to make a happy life for yourself - *that's* the culture to which you were referring. We're somewhat conditioned to see a single person, a woman in particular, and ask them about whether they have any marriage prospects. They younger they are (past college age), the more the question gets asked.
Jonas, yes, I suppose so. I haven't felt this strong in about two years. And maybe you've joined me at the beginning of my next story. You can't clear your past. Who would want to? But at points in life, a door is unlocked that you weren't even aware existed, let alone that it was locked. I'm at that point.
Matt, we shall see what comes next. The road ahead has more bumps. Who cares. Today, I've got the world by the balls.
Give those balls a good cupping ;)
Maybe a younger guy is the ticket, Miss Green Eyes.
Think about it.
Sal, hands firmly in place. ;) Okay, I had to look up refractory period -- that's no joke, girlfriend. Tons of young stuff around here, looking for expert female guidance. Life? They don't know much about it. Steamy workout sessions? They know. Can I get an amen?
I'm so sorry, but you shall not be getting any amen's from this graying goof.
LOL, Jonas, I would expect no less than that you would stand up for your age bracket. And you don't disappoint. Kudos. I'm just enjoying being in the middle bracket.
I'll send a young one over. Then, you'll be speaking "amens" in a language entirely your own ;)
For what it's worth, my little imp, I think the "middle bracket" is the best of all worlds. Make the most of it!
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