Devil with the Green Eyes

I know you can only see me as a vision.

Friday, January 05, 2007


Working at home...ahhh. It's so quiet. I can make my own good coffee. I can scratch my dog's belly and mess up his hair or give him a mohawk to make myself laugh. I can sit in all the weird positions that are comfortable to me (I hate sitting in office chairs, and I'm always sitting on my feet or crossing my legs up onto the chair or something to try to make it better). Sideways in the big chair with my legs hanging over the side. On the floor with legs crossed indian-style. Butt on one chair, feet on the other. Lying on the bed on my stomach. Laptop on thighs, or knees or even balanced on my feet. I can work naked. I'm naked right now. I am! Okay, now I'm getting cold. Does the office have one of these nice, soft toasty blankets for when you're cold and naked? No, it doesn't. I think you see my point. Okay, must work now.


At 10:52 PM, Blogger Cheesy said...

LOL I sit that way too... only now with age I tend to have my legs fall asleep and fall flat on my face! Just a word of caution for when you get as ancient as me lmao...

At 8:59 AM, Blogger NWO said...

You had me at "laptop on thighs". But naked was a nice touch.

At 12:25 PM, Blogger Green-Eyed Girl said...

Cheesy, I've been known to fall out of my chair, usually when I'm holding a glass of wine.

NWO, that laptop gets nice and warm there.

At 3:28 PM, Blogger Sally-Sal said...

I like to sit with my legs crossed in my office chair at work.
That doesn't often work wearing a skirt, but that's what my (company logo) fleece blanket is for!

At 1:18 PM, Blogger Megs said...

Currently sitting with one leg tucked under...not naked sadly, but wearin a big ol t-shirt and cotton gauchos lol...oh the joy of working at my brother's house...and I'm trying to get a new job why?

At 7:38 PM, Blogger Green-Eyed Girl said...

Sal, I do it in skirts, too. No complaints yet.

Megs, stay put and be comfy. Say no to corporate.


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