A friend once told me long ago that I was unapproachable. It was one of those moments that stuck with me. I took the assessment with a grain of salt, but gave the idea serious thought. Being unapproachable isn't necessarily a bad trait. It can keep people who aren't worth my time away. I do have impenetrable walls built up that will never come down, as all strong people do. I know my mind and speak it. I'm self-confident, most of the time. You could call that unapproachable, I suppose. Ironically, the same friend later decided that I was approachable, but I think that had more to do with a change in him than in myself. But I find myself thinking about the approachability factor a lot lately, because for quite some time, it seems everywhere I turn, all sorts of men (and women, too) find me approachable. I'm not looking for it. I've had enough man trouble in the last year to last me a good long while. But there they are, offering themselves up, one after the other.
I used to marvel when friends would tell me stories about propositions, escapades, etc., and wonder why I didn't find myself in those situations. Now, I have to ask myself if it was happening all along and I was oblivious to it. That could be. Or has something actually changed? Am I giving off a pheromone that's drawing them in? Do I look different? Walk differently? I don't think so. Am I just more aware of people and their motivations? Yes, I think I'm getting warmer with that one. It does make life more interesting, if perplexing.