Devil with the Green Eyes

I know you can only see me as a vision.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006


I had a dream the other night that has really stuck with me. Partly because I got decent sleep that night. Here's how it went. Somebody had given me a ticket that I could use to go to a play. I walked up to this beautiful building, where several plays were all starting at the same time. I could go to any one I wanted. But I had several bags of stuff with me and a baby. The baby was squirming so I looked for the nearest door and went into a play called Highland. The seats were almost all filled. I found an empty one in the balcony and sat down, but was completely perplexed about what to do with my baby. All of my belongings were falling out of my bags as I shifted around and tried to find a place for the little one.

As the play started, I heard someone typing behind me. I looked back and saw a woman, probably in her fifties, typing on a laptop. I swiveled around a few times and gave her "that look," but it had no effect. Then she pulled out a cell phone and started giving orders to her employees, still typing away. Nobody else seemed to notice. I finally said, "Hey, why are you working on a laptop in here?" She looked genuinely confused, and we got into a shouting match, with me suggesting she go out to the lobby, and her saying she didn't see what the problem was. Still, nobody else paid much attention.

The woman with the laptop never did leave. She kept working and I spent the rest of the play picking up my stuff and trying to keep my baby occupied.

Were both women -- the one with the baby and the one with the laptop -- me? Hm, both were alone, that is, one had only the kid and the other had only the computer -- no friends or partner.


At 2:35 PM, Blogger Twinkie said...

It's a daggone shame that when you finally get some sleep you have to have a big public argument with yourself.

As for what it all means, I've found that if I write these things down and give it a little time, it'll come to me. Maybe if you meditate on it a bit, you'll figure it out in a few days.

At 11:53 PM, Blogger Green-Eyed Girl said...

I'll figure it out. :)


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