Twinkie tagged me with this lil list. Here's your trivia for the day about me, me, me.
THE RULES: Elaborate on the words below, kids! Pass it on to your Blogger Friends.
Accent: Pure Midwest. Born in Virginia, raised in Iowa. I'm proud to be a corn-fed Hawkeye. A touch of Kentucky might sneak in there if I'm tired.
I Don't Drink: Alone. I also don't drink milk. It was squeezed out of a cow's tit and it's thick and goopy. What the hell?
Chore I Hate: Dusting. There is no point.
Pets: Yes, the cutest one. The Reverend Alfredo Green, aka Mr. Grumbles, Fuzzy Butt, Itchy Pants. Most often answers to Fredo, Stinky, or Hey! (clap clap).
Essential Electronic: Laptop. I don't want it to be essential, yet it is.
Perfume/Cologne: Threw it all away. I'm usually wearing scented lotion. My signature is Warm Vanilla Sugar. I do like to smell yummy.
Gold Or Silver: Both and lots of it.
Insomnia: Not anymore.
Job Title: Editor in Chief
Kids: No thanks.
Religion: No thanks.
Siblings: One younger brother, who might well be the greatest guy in the world, and one much younger sister who is becoming a close friend. Since she's so much younger, and my parents moved so far away, we didn't know each other well at all while she was growing up, but now we're clicking.
Time I Wake Up: Whenever I want. Or when the dog barks.
Unusual Talent/Skill: Making the people around me feel relaxed and comfortable.
Vegetable I Refuse To Eat: Keep all green peppers far from me and my plate. Blech.
Worst Habit: Either belching or not taking my makeup off before I go to bed. Or taking too big a bite of your dessert.
My Favorite Meal: A baguette, Brie, strawberries and champagne. To be consumed sitting on a blanket on the floor in front of a wood fire, in our undies, at the very most.
Delish Nish, you're up!