Devil with the Green Eyes

I know you can only see me as a vision.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Try a new combination

At work, we had a celebration because we've had such a great quarter and such a great year so far. Champagne and these giant cookies we always have for meetings that I would gladly solely subsist on, they are so flipping good. Are you kidding? Brilliant! A perfect diet. I love this place. Less work and more pay would be a plus, too, but still, I think I'll stay. I mean, we drink champagne.

In bad/sad news, I have a bug bite on my boob that is driving me nuts (short trip). Grrrr

Monday, July 30, 2007

I'm grateful for

Don't get around to this everyday, like Oprah says, but I'll give it a go:

Black coffee before lunch, Diet Coke after
Honest mechanics
A buyer's real estate market
Sleeping in
Good skin and a rosy hue
My mom
My grandmas
The writings of Cormac McCarthy
Crazy dreams -- and someone special to tell them to
Ambidextrous mousing
Fresh sheets
Random acts of kindness
Back rubs
Making someone very close to me belly laugh
Friendships that keep gettings stronger because they are without limits -- we both give and take in great measure
Being loved
Getting what I know I deserve: Everything

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Joe Cool

Within all the info flying around about the high school reunion coming up, I read a message from Joe. I hadn't probably thought about him since we graduated, but as soon as I saw his name, the memories came right back. Joe was a rare bird. Even as a teenager, he knew himself, and if we weren't aware of it at the time, I now know that every one of us was in awe of him. He was tall, maybe 6'4" or so, and lanky, as teenage boys are. He stood tall, he didn't stoop. He wasn't part of any clique, he just knew everyone, and everyone knew him. He got along with everyone, not because he was a kiss-ass, but because he enjoyed life, and people, and loud music -- he was a great drummer, and jokes. He had a beautiful smile, pretty much all the time, and long hair that flopped down over his left eye. He was a treasure, a man in a boy's body. I was looking forward to seeing that smile again and being in the presence of that confidence.

Five days after he sent the message, Joe died. He won't get to enjoy any more years past 38. But I remember him. I know we all do.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

I was born to laugh, I was born to love

So beautiful...

Friday, July 13, 2007

Don't know if you've heard, but he's here

All hail!

Monday, July 09, 2007

Do you wanna git wit this?

Gross: You think I have too many shoes.
Goody Goody (hand claps): You take me shopping and pick out dresses for me to try on that I never would on my own. You come in the dressing room with me so we can both see how fab I look. You can't take your eyes off me.
Grr, Baby, Grr: You think I look best naked.

Gross: You don't dance.
Goody Goody (hand claps): You don't care if I go dancing with my fake boyfriend regularly.
Grr, Baby, Grr: You go dancing with me every chance you get because you know it's the best foreplay.

Gross: You don't cook.
Goody Goody (hand claps): You make me PB&J sandwiches and chocolate milk when I'm sick.
Grr, Baby, Grr: You pretend you don't know how to cook. You invite me over, cook dinner, let me help, smash the garlic with the side of your German chef's knife (Oh. Wow.). You set the table with placemats, a candle, a rose in a vase and real dishes (clean). You have me for dessert.

Gross: You can't spell.
Goody Goody (hand claps): You read. BOOKS.
Grr, Baby, Grr: You send me flirty/dirty texts at work all day that make me squirm and laugh so hard I shoot Diet Coke out my nose.

Gross: You don't notice when I'm having an especially good hair day.
Goody Goody (hand claps): You remember exactly what I was wearing the night we met.
Grr, Baby, Grr: You notice and compliment me on something new everyday. Especially things about myself even I wasn't aware of: I have dimples, the soft skin behind my knees, my laugh, my small hands, the shape of my bottom.

Gross: You play video games.
Goody Goody (hand claps): You DON'T PLAY VIDEO GAMES. I cannot stress this enough. We all have our prejudices. This is mine.
Grr, Baby, Grr: You have a gidiggitynormous joystick. You know how to use it.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

Rocky Mountain highs

Friday, July 06, 2007

I was looking for something new to worry about and I think I've found it


I'm killing any zombie that gets near me the first chance I get, I don't care if they're a loved one or not (yeah, sure, I'll look into your dead eyes first; does that make you feel better, you monster?), and I'm still at 41 percent survival? I'm the kind of girl who always carries peanut butter and often pastries in her bag, so at least I won't starve to death. I hate being hungry. And no sharing, so step off. This is helpful, but it makes me think: Aren't the zombies already hanging out at Walmart? Seriously, have you ever looked into Walmarters eyes? Gross. The place does have a great selection of weapons, though, and no, I'm not telling you which ones I have because you may become a walking, rotting, stinking dead thing and there's no sense in giving up info to the enemy if you don't have to. 41 percent, I can't believe this. I need more peanut butter.