Devil with the Green Eyes

I know you can only see me as a vision.

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Joe Cool

Within all the info flying around about the high school reunion coming up, I read a message from Joe. I hadn't probably thought about him since we graduated, but as soon as I saw his name, the memories came right back. Joe was a rare bird. Even as a teenager, he knew himself, and if we weren't aware of it at the time, I now know that every one of us was in awe of him. He was tall, maybe 6'4" or so, and lanky, as teenage boys are. He stood tall, he didn't stoop. He wasn't part of any clique, he just knew everyone, and everyone knew him. He got along with everyone, not because he was a kiss-ass, but because he enjoyed life, and people, and loud music -- he was a great drummer, and jokes. He had a beautiful smile, pretty much all the time, and long hair that flopped down over his left eye. He was a treasure, a man in a boy's body. I was looking forward to seeing that smile again and being in the presence of that confidence.

Five days after he sent the message, Joe died. He won't get to enjoy any more years past 38. But I remember him. I know we all do.


At 2:45 AM, Blogger Fiona said...

It sounds like he made the most of those 38 years. I read this and remembered, again, that tomorrow isn't promised.

At 3:14 AM, Blogger Don said...

Wow. That's heavy stuff. I'm sorry for your loss - he did sound like a really well put-together guy. He was really young - what was the cause of death?

At 11:32 PM, Blogger Jonas said...

I didn't see that coming, at all. Such a pity! So utterly sad!

I lost a few friends early in life. They come to me in unexpected reveries at the most unexpected times. They've never been forgotten. Will never be.

At 6:27 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Man that is rubbish isn't it - life is so short


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