Devil with the Green Eyes

I know you can only see me as a vision.

Monday, April 30, 2007

It's Derby Week and the rednecks are frying...everything

Sunday, April 29, 2007


I had to dart into and out of the middle of the street to take this, but it was worth it.

Friday, April 27, 2007

Always stay on the sunny side of the street

Thursday, April 26, 2007

I'm an aunt!

As of 3:25 this morning, I have a beautiful, healthy nephew. I was hoping he'd make his first appearance while I was visting in NYC, but I missed it. Nevertheless, my first nephew, my brother's first child, and my parents' first grandchild is here -- and I can tell you that being the first grandchild rocks! I am ridiculously excited and can't wait to meet him in person.

Life is Good.

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Central Park, 75 degrees, it's for the dogs. And one bunny.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

I heart NYC

I'm back! Love the city, love being back home. It was a real vacation, including from the computer, so I have a lot of catching up to do. More later... :)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Feeling sassy

I'm wearing my hot pink Victoria's Secret "My Dog Is Cuter Than Your Dog" t-shirt. What are YOU wearing???

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

Save a horse, ride a cowboy

Okay, that was for me, just cuz I like it. And if it doesn't make you smile, we can't be friends anymore. Hm, I haven't met a cowboy yet, though I'd very much like to. Does a redneck count?

Monday, April 09, 2007

Stuck in my head

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Taking a breath

Haven't had time to post to this little bloggy lately because I've been running, running, running. I was already too busy, then brilliant me added more to the mix. Had my first flying lesson! I thought I'd be doing more observing than anything, but no...I flew the hell out of that plane! I know I'm abusing the exclamation points, but it is warranted! We took a single-engine Cessna up and jumped right into maintaining airspeed, altitude, power levels, trim, horizon angle, plus all the pre-flight procedures. I'm such a dork; I went in a skirt and heels because I had to go to another function right after, so I was climbing up on the wing to check the fuel and oil in my pretty little outfit. And, in that plane, at least, I could barely reach the foot controls without throwing my entire body forward and straining. I'm going to have sit on a pillow or something. At least that is easily remedied. The next day, I went up again with flyboy and his student/friend, who's just about ready for his multi-engine check ride, to observe. My camera was malfunctioning so I took a few pics with my phone. I'll get better ones later.
I can't wait for this weekend's flight and the next entry in my pilot's log. You can start calling me Captain now.