Devil with the Green Eyes

I know you can only see me as a vision.

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Me, me, me

After a draining day, emotionally and physically, I HAD to get out tonight and I HAD to make it all about ME. It is all about ME, after all. Here's what did the trick. I went out with a couple of guys to this Painted Alive event. (I did inform them pre-outing that this evening would be all about ME. They had no problem with it. Ladies, listen up. All you have to do is tell them so. Speak up.) Body painters were working away, and hot, naked, design-covered bodies were strutting everywhere. They were already hot, but it was also about 110 degrees in there. Hot: a guy covered in body paint and a sarong. Hotter: no sarong. Mercy ME.

After my friend The Hawk rocked the house, I wanted body paint all over ME, but I was fading fast from the heat, about to faint. (Where the hell was the AC??? Or were there just too many hot bodies???) My guys yanked ME out of there. (All about ME.) We closed out the night at The Back Door (MY choice), where they pour stiff drinks for little dinero, and where all attention remained on ME. But nobody hipped ME to the apparent 80s night! I haven't laughed so hard in ages. The minis! The big fried hair! The neon green hoop earrings! The white anklets! The hot pink dresses with cutouts?? Holy crap, I miss the 80s.


At 6:02 PM, Blogger Matt Kohai said...

Sounds like you had a great time. Reminds me of an old nightclub in Ft. Lauderdale I used to go to all the time, back when I lived there. All '80s, all the time... Ah...

One of my best memories of that place: $1 Jagermeister shots on Thursdays. Where else could I go and get tanked for five bucks? ;-)

At 6:57 PM, Blogger Twinkie said...

I miss the 80s, too.

At 7:58 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You miss the 80's? I miss the 70's. I was born the last year of the 70's, but still..

My mom was telling me about a wonderful thing called roller disco the other day.

I have to say, that sounded great. I'd love to put on some bellbottoms or hotpants and boogie around the roller rink. I even talked one of my friends into going with me if I can find such a place. (she would be horrified if I found said place).


Confession: in grade school, I had the ultimate aqua net bangs....

At 11:39 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 12:36 PM, Blogger Alyson said...

Hot painted guys...nice! Lol.

A place called The Back Door... hmmm... Aw, it's Monday..I won't go there.

When the 80's were over, I was 5-6 yrs old. The only thing I miss about them is the fact that I had no idea what the word "bills" meant. Ah, the good old days.


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