What is the deal with guys? When I became single, I decided to take time for myself, to get my shit together, make sure I had my head on straight all by my lonesome before I got involved in any way, shape or form with a guy. I wanted to make sure I got back to feeling good about myself by doing the work myself, not because of some rebound or something. I'm fully capable of taking care of myself and thank goodness for the reality of that. Truly, there is nothing wrong with being independent and shall we say selfish? It's my life, I'll live it as I see fit.
I've got tons of single girlfriends. They've all told me about how horrible it is out there. But I figured, once I'm ready to dip my toe back in the water, this is how I'll approach it: I've never really done this before, it's all part of the process, and there are plenty of dogs in the park. I'll date around, meet some weirdos, kiss some frogs, get some funny stories to dine out on, have some fun, see what it's all about. No big whoop.
What I don't get and wasn't expecting is guys wanting to lock this down, and quickly. I know I'm poetry in motion and all that shit -- I've heard all that crap before, believe me. But isn't the stereotype that I'm supposed to be the one trying to lock down some man while he plays the hard to get commitment-phobe? That's not how it seems to be, though. Can't a girl just have some fun? Can't we just do what men and women do and keep it light? Can't they get out of my daggone way? I've got stuff to do and the last thing I need right now is some male latched onto me, dragging me down. For crying out loud.
Well, I guess there are some guys out there who finally realize they ain't gettin' any younger, and decided it was a good idea to not die alone. Pretty funny, in a way... ;-)
Ah, don't sweat it. If that's what they want, say good bye and on to the next one. At least until that's what you want as well.
But what did you expect? Your eyes are like glimmering emeralds cast upon the earth by angels. Your skin is the silk of queens, and your smile melts the hardest heart. You are smart, witty and accomplished, and I can only imagine the gifts you bring to the bedroom.
How about if you and me spend some quality hours at the motel? Oh, and can I borrow your car? Ummm, I forgot my wallet, maybe you could catch the coffee tab this time?
Shall I let in on a little secret about us guys, the majority of us are confused and bewildered about the fairer sex, and whilst we love to play the big man about town, strutting around with our chest pufffed out when a lady, especailly a good looking one, shows us a bit of attention we do SOMETIMES feel the need to grab on to her for fear that she will soon come to her senses and move on to the next one, In my humble opinion, woman are at times less insecure and more confident than men, that being said good luck, I hear speed dating is fun and throws up more than it's fair share of loonys !
Not all men are clingy and needy...just the insecure ones. Some men are simply untouchable...they are damaged goods. In between these extremes are the vast majority...decent people with decent souls just as confused and uncertain as everyone else.
The extremes can be fascinating (for a while at least), and are often the ones who attract us at first because they seem "different." Well, they are...
But, the average man and the average woman will bring the most joy in the long run. Of course, that's just my take and...when it comes to love...I'm basically clueless.
I asked and you answered -- a gold star, a kiss and a smack on the ass for each of you. Bravo!
Kohai, you've pretty much hit it on the head, except you'd be surprised just how young they are. Weird.
NWO, *shiver* Nobody does it better.
Si, in this case, they're right to be scared. And the speed dating is going to be hi-freaking-larious!
Jonas, of course you are far from clueless. You've taught me plenty already. I have met the extremes and I've met the ones in the middle. I'll choose one when I reach the right point in my life. I'm not confused or scared about love. It's the non-love part that I don't understand.
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I don't think the young'uns wanting to get hitched is all that weird. At 23, I proposed to a woman I dated for two weeks. Our 14th (and probably final) wedding anniversary is in two months...
I don't think the young'uns wanting to get hitched is all that weird. At 23, I proposed to a woman I dated for two weeks. Our 14th (and probably final) wedding anniversary is in two months...
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