Anybody tried acupuncture?
My vet wants to use it on my dog. I've always been a skeptic, but I'm approaching everything with an open mind these days, and it's working for me, so I'm willing to be convinced (easy for me to say -- the needles won't be sticking me). But if it would help him, I'd do it. I'd do anything for that sweet pup. Thoughts?
I visit my acupuncturist at least once a month. I'm a BIG believer, and even though I've not heard of it for dogs... why not??
What is he treating? It isnt' gunna cure a tumor.
Acupuncture is great for certain ailments - soft tissue injuries, nerves, etc. It really depends on a) what it is he's treating, and b) just how good of an acupuncturist he is. The one I visit was trained in China, and worked in a hospital there so he's familiar with Western medicine as well as Eastern, and he knows just what treatments are good and what treatments are hogwash and wives' tales.
I've never heard of acupuncture on any creatures other than humans, but I wouldn't rule it out, assuming this guy's legit.
No tumors -- it's for neck and back pain. And the vet's a woman. :)
'Scuze me... ;-) For pain, the needles can be pretty effective, but again, I've never heard of someone doing them on animals. Doesn't mean it doesn't happen, just that I've never heard of it (at leat not until now).
I've heard of accupuncture for animals, reiki for animals, psychological counselling for animals.
I say if it's got any potential of helping, do it.
Like you, GEG, I'd do anything for my furry one. (OMG that sounds a bit bad doesn't it *L* - but you know what I mean!)
I say. it wont kill her and if it helps... WHOOHOOHOOOOOO
I have an acupuncturist friend who treats animals. Works great. They have no resistence.
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