Devil with the Green Eyes

I know you can only see me as a vision.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

A lot to learn

Yesterday, I met up with an old friend I haven't seen in far too long. Isn't it the best when you can pick up where you left off without missing a beat? We always had the best time together; he's a truly great guy and we had a lot of laughs while catching up on everything and everyone. And he gave me some male insight on what's been going on with me. A guy who actually has insights -- go figure.

Later, I got together with a couple of my girls to drink champagne and get schooled. My head is still spinning from both. I haven't been single for 20 years, so I have catching up to do there, too. It was hilarious and scary at the same time. They filled me in on where and when to go for a young piece, where and when to look for a more mature, perhaps decent longer-term thing, setting up a stable of booty calls (and the criteria for who you call first), how to effectively shoot down the unwanted pick-up attempts, wingmen and wingwomen, all about rebounds, and on and on. These girls are smart -- and experienced. I filled them in on a couple of possible developments and they said I'm going to be just fine. We'll see, we'll see.


At 5:40 PM, Blogger Twinkie said...

Oh MY! That conversation must've been hilarious. Blog all that advice and don't skimp on the details! Or hell, write a book. It can't miss at being greatly entertaining!

At 4:45 AM, Blogger Matt Kohai said...

Yeah, I'm more than passingly interested in this one. More dirt, more dirt!! ;-)


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