Devil with the Green Eyes

I know you can only see me as a vision.

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

100 things about the devil

And now, by request:

1. I never answer the phone at home. I’ll call you back.
2. Half the lashes on my right eye are blonde.
3. I play with my hair constantly. Though I really, really don’t like to be touched by people I don’t know, I do like certain people to touch my hair.
4. Pets I’ve had: dogs, fish, guinea pigs, hamsters, gerbils, rabbits, chinchillas, chickens.
5. I’ve gotten one speeding ticket in my life. I was 16.
6. I think I’m beautiful.
7. I believe my mom loves my brother best.
8. I know my dad doesn’t like any of us.
9. I’m addicted to sushi but I deny myself often to make it more pleasurable when I finally have it. In fact, I do this with other things as well. Am I a masochist?
10. I learned to drive on a stick shift – a VW bus, to be exact.
11. I’m left-handed, so I must be in my right mind.
12. Instruments I play or have played: violin, piano, harmonica, viola, cello.
13. I admire bilingual people. Ayuda me con mi espanol?
14. I love to cook and do it as much as possible. If you let me cook for you, I will experiment and make up something new just for you, something I think matches your tastes and personality.
15. I’m an atheist. Always have been.
16. I have a thing about pouring liquids from pitchers into glasses, etc. I love the sound.
17. I married my high school sweetheart.
18. On our first date, I had to be home by 10:30 because I had to take the SAT the next morning.
19. I was a National Merit Scholar.
20. I think I’ll live to be an old woman, but I don’t want to.
21. I can’t stand it when people say "veggie." I’ve learned that this makes them say it more.
22. I don’t like people knowing about me. So why am I telling you this?
23. I can whistle sucking air in, but I can’t whistle blowing air out.
24. I drink my coffee strong and black.
25. I’m suspicious of people who have no books in their homes.
26. I like to take walks and look in people’s windows (from the sidewalk, I’m not a pervert).
27. I like to eat with chopsticks and collect them on my travels.
28. I never had to take a driving test.
29. I don’t worry about money.
30. I’m afraid of roaches. Any other bugs are A-OK with me.
31. I’ve never been pregnant.
32. I still get carded. I’m 37.
33. I never had air conditioning until I was in college.
34. I never had cable until I was in college.
35. I can take a lot of pain but have a low threshold for boredom.
36. I’d rather shop for food than clothes any day.
37. I eat peanut butter everyday.
38. I have almost perfect vision.
39. I’ve been wearing my toe ring for five years.
40. I don’t think I’ll see a female U.S. president in my lifetime.
41. I have to watch Dirty Dancing whenever it’s on TV.
42. My hair is mostly gray under the dye. I started going gray at 18.
43. I’m in two book clubs. Talking about books turns me on, but sometimes talking about everything else is even better.
44. I have a Master’s degree. I don’t use it.
45. I am a good photographer but I don’t do it often enough.
46. I don’t like to be asked when I’m going to have kids.
47. I first had my hair cut when I was 13. My mom did it.
48. I have violent dreams almost every night.
49. I must wear a watch every day. One day (just one), I forgot my watch so I stopped and bought one.
50. I don’t have any tattoos but I have a lot of scars.
51. I’m a true introvert. Spending time with people drains my energy.
52. I love to salsa dance.
53. I Tivo everything with Alec Baldwin in it.
54. I lived in a trailer for three years.
55. I can’t keep houseplants alive.
56. I like a red wine buzz and I’m a lightweight so it’s easy to get. No, I won’t get drunk in front of you; I fear losing control.
57. I have two dogs, both from the Humane Society.
58. My favorite drink is Diet Coke. Nectar of the gods.
59. I tried out for cheerleading once in high school. I didn’t make it.
60. My butt is always cold.
61. I’ve traveled to Mexico, Canada, Europe, Asia, Central America and most of the U.S.
62. The best teacher I ever had was Mr. Yazel in the sixth grade.
63. I smoke when I’m stressed.
64. I had braces for three years. I got them off halfway through my freshman year in college.
65. Prozac works for me.
66. My first dog was Tinker Toy. My brother and I originally wanted to name her Breakfast, but our parents convinced us to go with our second choice.
67. I won an art award/scholarship for special classes when I was in elementary school.
68. I can’t draw.
69. I can’t sing, either.
70. Turns out I have no right to be judgmental.
71. My pet peeve is when the covers get messed up. With two people and two 65-pound dogs in the bed, I get peeved every night.
72. I’m usually reading about two to five books at any given time.
73. I once ran the Triple Crown, including the mini marathon.
74. I hate running.
75. I can crochet.
76. I’m trying to learn to knit.
77. I love to try new restaurants. In this town, there are always plenty to try, or I’d be out of here.
78. I don’t know quite how I ended up in my current job.
79. I play solitaire obsessively when I’m watching TV.
80. I can never remember jokes.
81. I’m a good listener.
82. I dropped out of college, then dropped back in.
83. I am a good speller.
84. I believe in fate.
85. I give money to street people.
86. I think The English Patient is the worst movie that I’ve watched in its entirety.
87. I can’t read my own handwriting.
88. I never dot my Is.
89. I compulsively count the letters in words and sentences that I utter and hear and read. There are some sums that I consider disadvantageous. You don’t need to know what those numbers are.
90. I seem to attract depressed and/or unstable people who, I believe, think that I will be a stabilizing force in their lives. They don’t realize that I’m just as unstable as they are on the inside.
91. I compulsively purchase a few types of things, including lotions, lip glosses, cookbooks and candles.
92. I can count the number of people I trust on one hand.
93. I once went out with a gay guy. We were both confused.
94. I’m a good swimmer but I sure do hate being in a swimsuit.
95. I never lose things.
96. I am quite liberal but find myself getting more conservative politically as I get older.
97. I get freckles in the summer. I think they’re sexy.
98. I find doing laundry very emotionally satisfying.
99. I have trouble finishing things…


At 12:06 PM, Blogger Twinkie said...

I've seen you drunk. That's when I found out #100. It's a doozy. ;-)

At 12:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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At 12:40 PM, Blogger Green-Eyed Girl said...

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