Devil with the Green Eyes

I know you can only see me as a vision.

Friday, April 21, 2006


I was recently offered what may be the best advice I've received in a long time. And there's been no shortage of advice from all quarters, so that's saying something. I'm not always the best at taking advice. Can someone else know what I should do without walking in my shoes? Anyway, it was recommended that I spend time volunteering in order to avoid worrying about my own problems. Right around the same time, I got two invitations to get involved in a couple of volunteer projects that would take advantage of skills I actually have. Can it work? How much volunteering will I have to do? Hm, I may have to quit my job to get in enough volunteering to achieve balance. But I'm willing to try it and I'm committed to the projects, so all I can do is throw myself into it and hope for the best. Even if I don't benefit, at least someone else will.


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