Devil with the Green Eyes

I know you can only see me as a vision.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

My biggest year ever

The big news this week is that I lived another year. Yup, yesterday was my birthday. It was celebrated with mass quantities of fat, sugar and calories in the form of cakes and such. Plus other good, good stuff. I don't look 39? Aw, shucks. Yer sweet. Anyhoo. It was an eventful year and all-around BIG. Stuff I did in it:

Took Mr. Grumbles to the vet approx. 12,000 times.
Baked many a cake.
Cried a little.
Laughed a lot.
Started my own business and got it rolling.
Lived on my own for the first time.
Got divorced.
Bought my own house.
Moved. A. Lot. Of. Crap.
Moved Crap to the side to make room for others' crap in my new house.
Flew a plane (ok, with help).
Traveled the country, from SF to NY, from FL to MO, from CO to MD.
Wet my skin in the Atlantic and Pacific.
Accidentally met The One.
Opened my heart.
Fell in love.
Was fallen in love with.
Discovered I love sex.
Met my nephew.
Gained weight.
Lost weight.
Gained weight.
Lost weight.
Found a dead body on the beach.
Found out who my real friends are.
Got rid of the others.
Made new friends for my new life.
Quit taking meds because I don't need them anymore.
Spoke my piece.
Let my light shine.
Did a little dance.
Sang a little song.

I'll always look back on this list, and everything else that I accomplished, and smile. The past year couldn't have brought me more energy, light, joy, fun, and release. I'm a blessed girl.


At 10:54 AM, Blogger Jonas said...

Happy birthday! You've had quite a year. May you have many, many more...

At 5:38 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, happy birthday to you I hope the next year is as jam packed and enjoyable as it possibly can be x

At 11:39 AM, Blogger Don said...

Sounds like one damn fine year, overall. I'm very happy for you.


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