That's just me
Pilot told me the other day that one of the things he appreciates about me is that I'm not sick all the time, like other chicks. It's true. I'm one pretty healthy old girl, most of the time. Point being, he's observed, and so have I, that a large number of females are incessantly going on about all their ailments. Really, that is the most interesting thing they can think of to talk about? Damn. Part of the problem is that it is wrapped up in the way that women bond; they commiserate with each other. One starts in about her headache, the next chimes in with how SHE has a headache, TOO! and her back hurts ... and on and on. Believe me, I am acquainted with several women who do this all the time, and I've known a lot of hypochondriacs, too. I say acquainted because it is such an unattractive quality. It certainly doesn't make me want to get closer and then feel obligated to listen to that shit every day. I have no time for that. Both genders are guilty here, though. There are way too many people who waste their time and others' time doing nothing but bitching, complaining, whining and criticizing. Everything is about them and everything sucks. Jesus Christ, who needs it.
Now that I think of it, I don't think Pilot has been sick a single day since we met, and I can tell that if he ever does get sick, he won't milk it for attention and time off work and sucking the life out of everyone around him. Well done!
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